Monday, 15 August 2011

Decor drooling

As it says in my little profile, we currently live in London but have our eyes on a move to somewhere a bit greener in the not too distant future. It's got to the point where we really need a one-in one-out policy for our flat because space is so tight - except that would stop me shopping so perhaps it's just something BM (as the hubbie shall henceforth be known) should do…
Anyway, while we wait to be able to move I'm having to make do with drooling over decorating porn - these being prime examples. The sofa is from and the bench from Heals - the Guardian included them both out in a great gallery.
I absolutely love mid-century-style furniture and BM and I want to have at least one Mad Men/The Hour-style room in the future house - with a bit of Kenneth Branagh's living room in Wallander thrown in for good measure. The crime-fighting Swede might be perpetually miserable but I definitely wouldn’t be with furniture like that. Come to think of it, perhaps it’s all the murder - rather than the interior décor - that's getting him down…but anyway.
Oh and we REALLY want an Eames chair - or more accurately an Eames-style chair, seeing as the real deal costs a fortune.
Anyone else spot anything that might go in my future pad? Have any of you got a similar theme in your's? Or know where there might be an Eames chair going for a song? That last one might be a bit optimistic...!

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